Xena and Lucy posted: " Many thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday. Xena: We're still waiting for Mommy to come home. She's still at the hospital with our brother Adam. We haven't seen her since Sunday morning. We are all going to be sooooo happy when she wal"
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New post on Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess and Lucy
Many thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting Happy Tuesday.
Xena: We're still waiting for Mommy to come home. She's still at the hospital with our brother Adam. We haven't seen her since Sunday morning. We are all going to be sooooo happy when she walks through that door. It's true, she sent instructions to Daddy about how to feed each one of us, and what supplements or medicines we get, and how to cut the aloe plant and who gets it rubbed on their poor tummies. He's trying really hard. We even saw the email she sent him saying, "Now, don't you wish you had let me teach you how to feed them their raw diets?" And we all curled up tight next to him in bed last night. Anyhoo, I guess -- no, I know -- we're all very happy that Daddy is still here with us. Lucy, haven't you been wanting to introduce a new groom?
Lucy Ace Reporter here with another episode of Grooming with Mom
Today I want to introduce our newest groom, Katie. Katie is a peach-colored miniature poodle. Her 5th birthday is coming up this month. Groomer Mom loves doing the poodle cut, and only has one other pooch she can subject to this, so she was tickled to get this pretty girl in for a groom. Katie's Mom asked for what Groomer Mom refers to as a modified puppy cut. Groomer Assistant Dad was recruited to hold Katie while she had her front paws shaved and nails cut. Groomer Mom is quoted as saying, "He's extremely good with the dogs."
Since Katie was not in bad shape to begin with, there is no "before" picture. Here she is after her groom.
We want to thank Lily Parker's Mom for the referral! If you missed Lily, you'll get to see a real before picture by clicking here. I also want to report that Lily has been back twice since her initial groom in August. She was still covered in fleas, but her Mom's working on that, and ordered the special collar her excellent groomer told her to get after the first visit! After her last groom, her Mom texted Groomer Mom: "Perfect! I really love the way you do her cut. Keeps her looking like a sweet little baby pup!" Groomer Mom said it made fighting all those fleas worth it.
Lucy, Ace Reporter, signing off with a promise to keep you updated on our brother Adam's progress.
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