On the global scene, the past two (2) months have been quite tense. Not quite the way to start a new year. As I look back, I am both worried and hopeful that this month will bring forth good news for us.

The Book of Psalms in the Bible admonishes us to be grateful at all times. We know that for many people, especially in countries like Ukraine, Russia, Ethiopia, Cameroun, Nigeria, there may be little or nothing to thank God for but hey, let's remember to ensure we have merry hearts; let it be full of cheer and not worries or pain.

This month, we enjoin you to be merry. No matter the news we hear, choose to be merry. Let nothing stop you from being joyful. Be intentional about seeing the good in things, people, your friends, job, etc. of course, many things will come to deter us but do not give in.

From all of us here, we wish you all a MERRY MARCH

Chukwudi Isaac
For: The Dianakolawole Team