Today's Bible Reading- Jeremiah Chapters 45-48
August's Memory Verse- John 10:27-30
Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. Our forecast for today: 93°, sunny, no rain, winds from the northeast at 1-6 miles per hour, and humidity is sitting at 100%.
Saturday was a long day. I didn't get to bed until after midnight. We got most of the rest of the walls in the bathroom taken down. That tile was ridiculous! Ridiculously heavy, too! My goodness. If I ever get my own place and I renovate, there will be no tile. None. Bare minimum if I end up with some sort of tile. It was a right pain to deal with.
We have plastic hanging up to protect the exposed beams from the shower water.
While I worked on the bathroom walls on Saturday, Pop fixed the greenhouse frame so it won't be so wonky. It's ready to be pieced back together. I may go get some mesh screen and work on that. Of course, I need to work on the weeds and such today. I'll have to wear a hat for sure. I was outside for only 10 minutes or so to ask Pop for help with the bathroom, and I've managed to get a pretty good sunburn. That sun is unnatural lately. The sunflowers don't follow it, it cooked the garden, the crepe myrtles are over a month ahead of schedule. The Japanese maple is unseasonal. It's just weird. I mean, we are living in the end times, so things will be getting weirder and weirder, but wow.
If you look out the window, it looks like fall. The air is clear and bright, the sun is shining, but you go outside and feels like a convection oven. The dogwood leaves are changing already. Way too early. Our summer should run until mid-October. The leaves usually change late October and early November.
Anyhoo. I'll quit griping. Today's goals. I have a bill to pay, weeds to pull, and I may run to the home improvement place and get some mesh screen to put on the ends of the greenhouse frame. Maybe I can work on the garden fence today! That would be nice. I found the sandpaper, so maybe I'll get to work on it a little. I also have boxes to deal with. Turns out that the recycling center closest to us is closed for a few weeks. Remodeling. Um, let's see. What else is there? Just piddling stuff. You know. Walking around picking things up, organizing, stuff like that. Piddling around is what I call it.
Supper tonight is supposed to be grilled chicken kebabs and fruit. I may do Jamaican chicken with yellow rice and black beans instead. I'll still grill it, but no kebabs. Or I could do kebabs, but just season them with Jamaican seasoning. Hmm. Maybe I'll do that. Either way, the meat needs to be pulled out of the freezer.
That's all for now, peeps. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤
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