
Welcome to September. What an interesting ride it has been so far. Life as usual, has had its ups and and downs and I hope that we were able to make you smile, think, love, and be a better person with our posts.

September is here and like a gift, it's about to be unwrapped and I hope it gifts us presents of love, hope, peace, joy, and more blessings. I hope it brings the peace that our world needs and the stillness required for us to go through each day.

This month, try and audit your life. Be still and take account of how your life has been and where it is headed. This month, try and detox those things that we told ourselves in January, we'd work on. Listen to your heart. Pray to God. Be kind to first, yourself and then, your neighbour. Try and calm down on the rat race; you'll also get to your destination. Just take in the fresh air, enjoy the cool breeze; let it caress your skin. Smile to the sunrise and wave at the sunset. Hum with the bird and clap with the leaves. This month, remember that you are doing well and you're still going to achieve your goals as long as you keep up putting in your consistent efforts.

As usual, we promise to be there for you this month. We thank you for staying with us through it all and we trust that you will learn, be entertained, be merry and full of cheer as you read our posts for the month of September. We would not have done it without you guys. So, thank you.

Once again, have a serene September.

For: The DianaKolawole Team
Chukwudi I.