Grab a glass of ice water before you read any further, because we're going to talk about SEX. No, not any favorite positions, but about WRITING it. It's not my top skill. I manage, but just, and thankfully, it's not allowed in cozies. But my friend, Julia Donner, writes Regency romances. And let me tell you, those aristocrats had no shame. And she writes steamy scenes REALLY WELL. So I invited her here to tell you about it. Her latest Regency comes out November 30, and I've had a chance to critique it, and I think it's her best one yet!

Evelyn Archambeau, the Duchess du Fortier, doesn't feel like a dowager. She'd been a child bride when her late husband had her spirited out of France to save her and their son from the guillotine. Preoccupied with the mysterious past of her companion, Daphne, Evelyn thinks herself content lavishing her affection on family and friends. She never considered remarriage or entanglement in sordid affairs. Then she's introduced to the Marquis of Bellingham. 

When a series gets as long as 14 books, it's time to start thinking about a change-up. I used to try to read or scan at least 10 books a week. Now, I just don't have the time. With the exception of keeping up with history, my joy and the necessity of reading widely has become increasingly narrow. The business of taking care of 30 books of my own and writing more sucks up the four-letter T word.  

Nowadays, I still seek out the unusual plot, because, let's face it, there is nothing new under the sun and the staggering numbers of digital books coming out every year lends itself to repetition. And there are lots of repetitive stories, partially due to reader preferences and forced sales in popular genres.  

To boil it down to a gob of grease, I'm gravitating to books that really capture my interest. I'm no spring chick and often seek stories in the vicinity of my age group. (Like Judi's newest, Posed in Death.) Only the very young think that love and sex end after 40. It never ends. I learned that from working in nursing homes when I was in my late teens. And I don't know if it's still the case, but Florida retirement communities had some of the highest rates for STDs in the nation.  

 So, I've written a Regency with a "mature" couple. A subplot is connected to a younger couple, but mostly it's about two people, set in their ways, resigned to being alone later in life. As it so often happens, and did happen to me, a soul mate shows up unexpectedly.  

When a Marquis Commands will be released on 11/30/21 and is available for pre-order. I love the cover Casegrfx created, which helped secure an ad on BookBub. And thanks to Judi Lynn/Judy Post for honest critiquing and suggestions. You're always spot on, Judy! I'm not forgetting line edits by Connie Curwen Hay and Terri Ashton. (It does take a dang village to raise a book.) And a shout out to Mae Claire for her support of fellow writers. Looking forward to reading your Things Old and Forgotten. I can relate. I'm old but luckily not forgotten. Don't know where I'd be, unless in front of the TV with a bag of chips, if not for Judy's nagging and use of her blog. Thanks, friend. 

M.L Rigdon (aka Julia Donner)

Follow on Twitter @RigdonML

