Today's Bible Reading- Isaiah Chapters 30-34.
Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. Our forecast for today: 88°, mostly sunny with a few clouds, 10% chance of rain, good air quality, winds are currently from the northeast at 8 miles per hour, and humidity is sitting at 76%.
Welcome to August! Twenty years ago today, my mom, sister, gran and I were in a car wreck that changed my life. I ended up with PTSD from it, and it's been craziness ever since. The car, my favorite car, was totaled. It was a 1987 Chevy Nova. Four doors. Automatic transmission. Went through water pumps like water goes through a sieve, but I loved that car. I had wanted to take it to college. Oh well. Remember the past, but don't dwell in it.
Pop started his new contract today. Yesterday wasn't super productive for me in the list of things I wanted to get done, but we did make some progress. For instance, Pop and I started nailing down an aquaponics setup for the greenhouse we want to get. He does engineering, so he has this software where he can make 3D models of things. We put a scale up of the greenhouse. I'm glad we did because both our brains were overestimating size. It looks like with the greenhouse we're looking at, and it's a portable greenhouse, we should be able to fit two fish tanks and 12 grow beds. You can grow a lot in one grow bed, so that's a lot of potential there. Also, each tank can hold up to 50 fish, so there's potential for 100 fishies.
We added more water to the tank yesterday. The heat has really caused a lot of evaporation. Mr. Fishy and Goldie are doing well. Mr. Fishy is quite plump. Goldie is catching up.
Today, I'll definitely be working on laundry. Also, we had a huge surprise in the middle of the night. I fell asleep watching a tv show, and woke up sometime in the night because I heard a noise. I listened for a minute and then realized it was rain hitting my a/c unit. I listened even more. Oh my word, the heavens opened up and it poured and poured and poured. I think it went on for maybe 20 minutes or so, and then it lightened up or stopped. Not sure, but then another round came through and it poured again. Thank You, Jesus, for the rain! We needed it for sure.
The Sioux tomato is ready to be transplanted out into the grow bed. I may get that done today. Supper last night was delicious and different. I made coconut curry chicken and served it with rice. Pop really enjoyed it. I didn't put near as much cayenne pepper in as they called for since Pop can't have spicy, but I kept the same amount of ginger in. Ginger is a different spicy. A good spicy.
Um, let's see. The curry was supposed to be for tonight, but there's only about a serving and a half left. I put that in the freezer. I think tonight I'll do tacos. Pop won't be home till later, so I'll make tacos and put some zucchini in the meat to bulk it up. I also have that corn I could put in there, too. Hmm. I'll work it out. No rice, though. We had rice last night. OO. I just remembered. I have a meatloaf packet. Hmm. I wonder if I still have enough stuff to make it. Maybe I could do meatloaf, mashed potatoes and have the corn and some zucchini on the side. Hmm. Lots to think about.
That's all for now, peeps. I have fish to feed and my Bible to read, and I need another cup of coffee. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. 
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