whbeebe posted: " New Years Eve was a wild time around the old neighborhood. Booms and pops and crackles were going off everywhere around us, especially at the magic moment of midnight. That's when it seemed all hell was breaking loose. All my animals were not amused. " Arcane Science Lab
New Years Eve was a wild time around the old neighborhood. Booms and pops and crackles were going off everywhere around us, especially at the magic moment of midnight. That's when it seemed all hell was breaking loose. All my animals were not amused. For example I had Luke, the alpha and biggest of the clowder, sitting in my lap. Every time a firework went off he would shake, until one was so close, and thus so loud, that he shot off my lap and into some safe spot in the house to hide. The others were just as traumatized. Sometime around 3am I awoke briefly to find a cat either on me or next to me. I shifted the load to something a bit more comfortable and then went back to sleep.
This morning I awoke to heavy smog over Florida, and most of the southeast US. That came about because of the still air over the Florida peninsula, combined with dense low fog and the smoke from all those fireworks that were detonated the night before. When I went out around 6:30am local time I could see the crap hanging in the air, and of course, still smell all the smoke produced by all those fireworks. According to the weather service this should all begin to clear out around 9am local time. In the mean time I stay indoors as much as possible and keep the windows closed to keep out the filth and stench from all those reveler firework explosions.
And of course, no start of the year would be complete without a birthday celebration on Animal Crossing. I have a deeply ingrained habit of setting my birthday to January 1 and whatever year strikes my fancy at the time I'm asked. Except for certain government agencies where my correct birthday date is required, nobody else needs my birthday. It's a way for me to try and minimize the damage of a breach of personal data from a site that might get hacked. That, and refusing to give out my social security number to anyone except government agencies. Anyway, a wonderful Animal Crossing birthday was had by all, especially my avatar.
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