Hi everyone. We don't usually do Sunday Selfies, but I wanted to show you my new ribbons I won yesterday. First, though, thanks to the Kittles Blue for hosting The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.
I had a sneezing fit right at the beginning of our performance, and then I had to wipe the snot off my nose with my paw and then something really itched under my back leg. So we got behind in the music and couldn't do some of the really neat dance moves we had. Now, let me 'splain the point system the judges give. If you get 65 or more points total from the three judges you get your title in the new level that you're tryin' for. I already have my level 2 and level 3 titles and ribbons, so we were tryin' for level 4. Even with the sneezin' and wipin' and scratchin', I got 72 points and got my blue ribbon in Level 4. That means that I'm now titled in Level 4.

The pretty white ribbon means I got fourth place in my class. That's mostly cause of the sneezin' and wipin' and scratchin' puttin' us behind. Today I get to do it again. I won't get another title, but I'm pretty darn determined to get a higher score! We'll get a sit-down session with the judges today and they'll tell us how we can do better besides not sneezin' and wipin' and scratchin'.
Well, I got kinda weary, too, waiting for my turn. All the dogs in levels II and III got to go before me! So this mornin', we're staying at the hotel until it's closer to my level 4 performance. Me and Mommy are just hangin' out in our room. And tryin' not to breathe or walk in the outside allergy stuff that's still up here in Ohio. That might help me not be sneezin' and wipin' and scratchin' during our performance.
Everyone have a good Sunday, and I'll let you know soon how great I did today!
Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess
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