We were going to go to a restaurant for dinner with our good friend couple, but they let us know they couldn't make it a little while ago. If they hadn't cancelled it we would have had to cancel it because I would have been worried about passing my cold to them (as you spend a few hours together sitting very close to each other), so it was our fate not to be able to be together today!
Whey our friends cancelled it, we talked if we should cancel the whole booking, but we knew our friends are always busy and even busier now that summer holiday will start soon and we didn't know when we'd be seeing them - so in the end we decided to just change the number of booking from 4 to 2. Then when I got ill we talked again if we should cancel it, but I felt awkward that we already reduced the number then to cancel it so close to the day. Also we were curious as we hadn't been to the restaurant. I did start to feel better yesterday and thought I would probably OK so we decided to go ahead.
However, just before we went out, my stomach started to ache. Oh no, not now,...! I thought. I took medicine for my stomach and just hoped it'll stop aching. Fortunately, it did stop aching by the time we were in the restaurant. It must be the cold medicine, I find it quite strong although very effective, I've had this before.
行ったレストランは、前回お友達ご夫婦とご一緒したときに、「ボグナーにすごく評判の良いレストランがあるんだけど、一度一緒にトライしない?」とのことで、その場で日にちを決めてすぐに予約をレていた「シェ・モア(Chez Moi)」というフレンチレストラン。木、金、土、日だけ営業していて、夜は木、金、土しか営業していず、日曜日はランチ飲み。レストランが小さいこともあり、予約が取りにくいと思います。イギリスにはこういうレストランが結構多い印象です。そして、ご夫婦で営業されていてご夫婦ともラ・ガヴロッシュ、アラン・ドュカスなどで働かれた経験があるそうです。
The restaurant we went to is called "Chez Moi" in Bognor. When we were with the friends, they asked if we wanted to try this place near their place, which has very high reputaiton. They open only on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays and only lunch on Sundays and the restaurant is small - so it's hard to make reservations. We know quite a few restaurants like this around here so I guess it's quite common in England. It's run by a married couple, who have worked at La Gavroche & Alan Ducas in France.
I'm happy to say I was able to eat!

2 kinds of bread.

My husband had Chicken Liver Pate, which he said was very good but too big for a starter specially as it comes with 2 large slices of bread. This would be more than 4 portions in Japan.

I had "Gorgonzola Cheese mille-feuille, Parma Ham, Hazel Nuts, Roasted Figs, Reduced Balcamic Vinegar, Mixed Lef Salad". Contrary to my husband's starter, I thought the portion was too small, specially Gorgonzola. As I wasn't so hungry and not quite well, I was quite glad that the portion is small but the amount of Gorgonzola was maybe 2 tea spoonful, the size of the pastry was perhaps about 2cm c 5cm. Maybe because Gorgonzola and figs are expensive? Also I cannot remember eating Parma Ham, I wonder if they put a slice of pear instead. Anyway, it was all fine, nothing bad, but then it's not a type of a dish you need special cooking skill, there was no surprise either. I would have made the mille-feuille of Gorgonzola Cheese to about 3 times of the size, though.

My husband's main dish was Veal Fillet, Butter Sauteed Spinach, Baby Carrot, Roasted Shallot, Potato Rosti, Fricasse of Mushrooms, Cinnamon, Dijon Jus. My husband said it was good, better than a pub.

I didn't feel like having a chunk of any meat for the main so I chose their vegetarian dish - Pan Fried Baby Artichoke, Aubergine Cannelloni with Creamed Artichoke, Red Pesto, Rocket & Halloumi Cheese, Sauteed Potato, Basil & Pepper Coulis.
After my experience at the Boat House, I did think the artichoke are probably pickled but I was hoping they did something to reduce the vinegary tast, they hadn't. With my blocked nose I wasn't able to taste much but I did taste how sour they were! Maybe English people can take vinegary food better because they grow up with those pickled onions (in malt vinegar!) that you get in pubs? I somehow managed to eat one piece by eating a small amount between a bite of potatoes. The aubergine cannelloni was also sour because it had creamed vinegary artichoke...so again, I had a small bit in between potatoes and managed to eat one piece. My husband kindly helped me with one small piece of artichoke and 1 piece of cannelloni so only left 1 piece each. I did eat all the potatoes and most of the sauce. Phew!

For dessert, we shared Raspberry Creme Brulee. This was very good! In England, creme brulee often comes in very deep ramekin with quite thick bruleed caramel on top, I find the balance between the creamy part and the crunchy topping is wrong and often the crunchy caramel too thick. This was just right to me.

There were quite a few items that I could eat in the starter category but not in the main so if we go there again I would probably order 2 starters.
トリップ・アドバイザーを見るとほとんどの人がかなりな高評価をされていて、洗練されたプレゼンテーションとか最高に美味しとか書かれています。わたしの感想は、洗練されたというのは外れている気がします、むしろ、店名の Chez Moi (我が家)にあるような家庭的なお料理、だと思いましたし、お店の方が意図しているのもそういうお料理だろうと想像します。今日はわたしの体調が本調子ではないので味に関しては難しいところですが、デザートのクレームブリュレは美味しかったです。
In Trip Adviser, they have tons of great reviews, how sophisticated the presentations are, how delicious everything is. Personally, I would call this "sophisticated", as the name of the restaurant, chez moi, suggests, it's very much like home cooking and I'm guessing that is their intention. I'm not back to 100% well and with my blocked nose it's not possible to say what I thought about the tastes, but I can say that Creme Brulee was very good.
お会計は、夫がグラスワイン(大)1杯、ガス入りのお水1本シェアー、デザートの後に夫がエスプレッソをいただいて、サービス料なしで105ポンド(21500円)。家庭的なお料理にしては高いかな、とは思います。チチェスターの Purchases と同じくらいのお値段なので、それなら Purchases の方がレベルが高いと思います。ただ、こちらは、家庭的な雰囲気なこと、家族経営なことが売りなのかな、と思います。少なくとも前菜メニューは他にたくさんあるフレンチに比べると食べてみようという気になるものがたくさんありましたし、こういうお店はフレンチビストロ定番のオニオンスープなどは美味しいのではないかと思いますので、もう1度行ってみてもいいかな、という感じです。
The total bill, including a large glass of wine my husband had and a sparkling water we shared as well as espresso my husband had after the meal, was £105 without service charge. I feel it seems a bit too expensive for 'home cooking'. It's about the same as Purchases in Chichester and I would say Purchases is one level higher. Having said that, I'm guessing that the attraction of this restaurant is the homey feeling and the fact that it's run by a husband and a wife. Like I wrote earlier, there were quite a few items in the starter category that I felt like trying, specially Onion Soup, which is a typical French Bistro item, is probably quite good here, so I wouldn't mind trying it again.
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